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10 tips to improve your workouts and your daily

Small sustainable changes can help you live a fitter life. By combining all these tips you can improve your life, your training and your health. It usually does not take much to successfully do better, but it must be adapted little and that you take full consciousness.

Use These tips to guide you

Incorporez Squat in your training

Nothing engages the posterior muscle chain (calves, glutes, hamstrings, lower back) as the squat. Besides being a muscle builder and do squats help maintain mobility, strengthen bones and connective tissues. This movement also imitates daily activities, such as bending over, picking up an object, sit ...

Enjoy maximum squats achieving complete amplitude and aim down even lower than the knees.

Regularly consume a protein source

Your meals should always contain a lean protein source. The protein is a must to protect against the loss of muscle mass and build, help boost metabolism, keep blood sugar stable and cut hunger. Aim for a minimum of 10 grams each snack and 20-30 grams in your main meals.

Pensez positifs

Restez sur la bonne voie en mettant votre énergie vers «je vais faire, je vais y arriver ...» plutôt que «je vais essayer, c'est trop dur ...». Restez concentré sur les choses positives qui vous entourent et que vous faites, et non pas sur les choses négatives qui abaissent votre moral et que vous pouvez éviter.

Trouvez un modèle, mentor

Trouvez-vous un model, un mentor, une personne sur laquelle vous pouvez compter pour vous aider, améliorer et surtout soutenir dans tous les moments. En plus de vous aider à garder la motivation, ils sont généralement les meilleurs critiques qui vous permettent d'avancer plus loin et vite. «Seul on va vite, ensemble on va plus loin».

Allow at least one full day off per week

Rest is essential for your body to rebuild itself after your intense training. During your training, your body undergoes extensive metabolic stress, it is necessary to offer a valve to decompress it and become more efficient.

Your development is at rest, while you sleep, let your body recover and not to the room D-Day

Eat Omega-3

Few nutrients are also good for health as the OMEGA-3 fatty acids. They can help to reduce joint pain, cardiovascular problems, inflammation and helps reduce body fat.

Many are sorely lacking in Omega-3 in their feeds, which are essential fatty acids, which means they are not naturally present in the body, they come from your diet.

Cook with garlic

Garlic is an excellent source of vitamin B6 as well as free radicals act as antioxidants. Start incorporate garlic in dishes you prepare. One of its advantages and enhance the flavor of your dishes.

Drink green tea

Certain morning, nothing beats a good cup of coffee, but the days when you are looking for something a little different opt for green tea. Green tea boosts metabolism, helps burn fat, drains your body provides excellent antioxidant protection and provides a slight increase in energy. Try to drink 2-3 cups a day for best results.

Remember that adding a few drops of lemon to your green tea, you accentuate its effects.

Practice yoga

You should know that the benefits of yoga beyond the carpet on which you practice. The combination of stretching, deep breathing and relaxation can produce a greater sense of calm. Yoga can help relieve pain in the lower back and lead to a deeper and restful sleep.

Get involved in a sport you love

Nothing more important than finding a sport you love. If we do not enjoy your sessions you will not succeed, no matter training. Practice in groups, with friends, appreciate your efforts and results. Try different sports, programs, training techniques until you find your true calling.