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Slots: the right technique

This post answers the question from a reader:

    "I have a small question: at this time I do the exercises in this Youtube video. As I used 4kg and I felt it was not working enough, I put 7kg for early periods to work the thighs and buttocks! Is it a lot?
    I have no aches because I stretch properly after and I feel that my muscles work well without trembling or burn. They heat up slowly, finally I feel comfortable and I feel it work anyway. "


So here is my answer (I'm a little upset because I had already sent to the reader in question links to videos serious it was apparently not regarded, but usually I'm much nicer ...):

First about the video on Youtube: exercises are performed particularly poorly. It is not by watching the videos of "Youtubeuse" beauty that you will get fitness tips that hold water.

I do not care that her 'boyfriend' or 'personal trainer': in addition to being particularly head slaps, he clearly has no idea of the proper technique for making 'lunges' (slots).

If this girl buttocks, it is certainly not because of this type of training. Because she is young and she has naturally buttocks. In addition, it puts a very long tank top, cutting the butt in half to make it visually more "compact".

The correct technique slots is this:

The angle at the knee must be straight (90 degrees). The knee should not exceed the forefoot. The bust is hyper law, it does not oscillate, stomach returned and actively engaged abs.

It is also foolish enough to make slots as they do a hyper-thick carpet with a carpet on it. This makes the support level very unstable feet.

In terms of weight: up to you, I can not really judge, since I have no idea how many sets and how many reps you doing. Wholesale ideally for a session thighs & buttocks targeted exercises, you can aim for 4-5 different exercises and 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions per exercise.

To find out if you work at a high enough intensity when you are doing the exercises, you should be able at any time to master the movements they are well made, but final rehearsals must be pretty hard to finish.

So "being comfortable" at the end of a series of exercises does not seem to me hyper intensive. 

That said, given that you just put you there, I think it is sufficient. Master the correct technique, whatever the type of exercise is always much more important than the amount of weight you use.